Friday, July 31, 2009


So i know a lot of people are going to hate me for this but i must brag about my wonderful findings. I am a SALE shopper!! I look for SALES, I live for SALES!! and this pass week I was fortunate enough to find one of my most immaculate finds of all!!!

Urban Outfitters in Brooklyn (Atlantic between Court and Clinton St's) i found a pair of Levi's for $5 and then went back and got a pair of BDG's for $5!! both fit so perfect!! that's amazing right? i love Urban for that because when they have SALES they have SALES!!!

I don't front about my clothes because I feel if you look and dress how you feel then you will be your fly'est. Creativity comes from with in and expressing it through the way you dress is the fly'est way to me. So whether it's $5 or $ doesn't make a difference to me :-)

Express your self. fly

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